Latest Episodes
Balaam - Pray for the Holy Spirit
Enemies Seek to do You Harm Balaam and the Ass - Rembrandt Balaam was a seer, oracle, or prophet from antiquity. His story is...
Chloe - Baptize
During the season after Epiphany we are journeying together in a series about baptism. This week we learn from Chloe that through Holy Baptism...
St. Andrew: Give Thanks for Baptism
During the season of Epiphany we are exploring baptism. There are eight steps in the baptismal liturgy. The first is to present yourself to...
St. Peter, Profess Your Faith
In last week’s sermon you learned that God values diversity of cultures. Through Baptism God accepts each individual with all of their uniqueness. The...
The Magi - Present Yourself to God
We were talking about the adoration of Magi during preschool chapel this past week. I was explaining to the children that Gaspar, Melchior, and...
Get Up and Go Ask the Question
How do you communicate to people? Effective communication follows three essential steps: Ponder the ProblemSee God’s GloryGet Up and Go Too often you will...