Can I just tell you that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing up here. I like to sing...with a congregation. I don’t know anything about singing solo to the whole internet. I know how to lead worship, with acolytes, lectors, assisting ministers, ushers, greeters, and an assembly of people. An altar guild helps set up the altar. Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, live streaming, text messaging, emailing, data mining, and content marketing. What is this?
Then there is the personal protective equipment. I do wear glasses. I have still not figured out how to wear a face mask without my glasses fogging up. Every day there is a new recommendation for how to protect yourself and others from the spread of disease. A few weeks ago I chuckled to myself about people wearing masks. Now it’s the law. Who’s laughing now?
We don’t have any idea what we are doing. How can it be that we are the greatest nation, but more people have died here from the Corona Virus than anywhere else? How come significant numbers of children don’t have the means to do distance education at thome?
Because of COVID-19 the world has changed. But in all honesty it’s not just about that one virus. Things have been changing so quickly that something like this was bound to have happened. Today our church building sits empty on this Easter monday. From where I stand I only see three people. I am preaching to a webcam mounted on a tripod! This isn’t normal. The world has changed!
Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize Jesus at first because he had changed. She is the apostle to the apostles. She was the first to go to the tomb and discover that it had been opened. She summoned Peter and the other disciples. They took one look inside and went home. Mary stuck around for a while. She wept because she missed Jesus, and was probably confused and upset, not knowing where his body was. But Jesus was there and spoke to her. She mistook him for the gardener! He had changed and Mary did not recognize her. I wonder if Jesus was there the whole time. Maybe Peter and the other disciple ran right past Jesus not recognizing him either.
Resurrection is a mystery. Based on the Bible it is not as simple as being resuscitated. The angels didn’t use an automatic electronic defibrillator on Jesus. He is not the same as he was before. He has scars, but his body is healed. He can somehow walk through walls, but eat physical bread. He will ascend to be with God the Father. He is not the same Jesus as before. He has gone through a transformation.
Mary recognizes Jesus when he says her name, “Mary.” He knows who she is, and when she hears her name she recognizes Jesus too. She calls him, “Rabbi,” which means teacher. What a perfect title for such a time as this. Mary is going to have to learn how to live in a new reality. She is going to have to take on more leadership roles than she has before. The world was changing around her and she had to adapt in order to follow Jesus and do ministry in his name.
Jesus will teach us too. We may not have any idea what we are doing, but we are learning a lot! Jesus is going to help you learn! Jesus is your teacher. When the world changes, Jesus is right there with us, helping us to adapt. Jesus will help you learn to survive and thrive in this new world. There will be new jobs, new businesses, new organizations, new ways of practicing religion.
There’s one important thing you must do in order to learn and adapt to this new world. You have to stop clinging to Jesus. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the words of Jesus himself. Mary was down on the ground worshiping Jesus and holding his feet. He tells her straight up, “Stop clinging to me. I have not yet ascended.” He hasn’t stopped changing.
In order to learn from Jesus, and to be his disciple, you cannot cling to him. You have to have a little social distance. Seriously? Yes! Look, God is in your heart by faith, so you don’t have to worry about being apart from Jesus. But by clinging to him you cannot let yourself grow and learn how to follow him in a new world. Resurrection isn’t about Jesus staying the same forever. It’s about Jesus changing and overcoming death and any challenge thrown at him. Stop clinging, and start following. Amen.
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