You suffer because of other people’s bad behavior, and allowing that behavior to continue. God doesn’t desire to punish the wicked, but for them to repent. God promises to be with any two or three people who gather in his name. So go to your sibling who has sinned, and tell them their sin in private. And tell them of God’s love and mercy too!
I like playing baseball. Hand eye coordination is a challenge, but it feels very satisfying when you connect with the ball. I caught a line drive in the outfield during practice, and I was praised for my performance. That felt good.
One day after practice my shoes were stolen. That didn’t feel good. They were a pair of black skateboard shoes. I had taken them off and stowed them while I wore cleats out to the baseball field. Earlier that afternoon there was a girl who had told me that she wanted my shoes. I knew who she was. At first I didn’t say who had done it. I was embarrassed of what happened to me. I had done nothing wrong, and yet was suffering because of somebody else’s actions. My parents implored me to tell them who had done it.
Have you ever felt like you suffered because of other people’s bad choices? God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel that you are called to be a sentinel. You are called to keep watch and speak up when there is danger or wrong doing. When you fail to speak up, you are complicit in the evil that happens. You suffer because you passively allow other people’s bad choices to happen.
Thankfully God doesn’t delight in making the wicked suffer. Rather, God wants all people to turn from their sin and return to a path of righteousness. Furthermore Jesus promised that when two or three people gather in his name, he will be there among them. Jesus will be with you when you have difficult conversations with people. You won’t be alone.
The key, then, is to speak up and not silence yourself when wrong has occurred. Your motive is not to seek to punish or relish in the suffering of a wrongdoer. You are called to gently speak up when wrong has occurred, especially if it has occurred to you. In this way you are God’s vessel of healing and new life.
The first step is to speak to a person privately and directly. If they don’t listen, then bring witnesses. If they still don’t listen, there could be a church meeting to address the issue. Finally if they refuse to listen in any way treat them like a gentile or tax-collector. How did Jesus treat sinners and tax-collectors? With love and mercy. You are to never stop loving anyone, not even your enemy. But you are to love in such a way that does not condone or enable sinful behavior.
Eventually I told my parents who had probably taken my shoes. They suggested we talk with their family. We did. I remember one day seeing my shoes in the middle of the floor of the house. They looked good. When I put them on, they felt different. I saw the girl at school. We smiled at each other. She was kind to me ever since. So speak to your brother or sister in peace. Amen.
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Sermon from the Reverend Dr. Andy Taylor, bishop of the Pacifica Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.