At first Jesus teaches a formula: first give thanks and praise God, then ask God for what you want. This is the formula of the Lord’s prayer. Important to remember that we pray that God’s kingdom of justice and peace comes to earth, not that we are raptured away and to leave it in shambles. Heaven is the telos or goal of earth itself.
Some question and criticize the veracity of prayer. How could we change the mind and will of God? Wouldn’t it be works-righteousness to try to win favor from a deity by performing religious acts? Indeed it would. Which is why Jesus gives additional instruction. Prayer is more about self-discipline, than twisting God’s “arm.” Jesus tells us to persevere, ask, seek and knock.
Think of it this way. God’s grace provides everything, all that is needed, air, water, food, shelter, human relationships. So when we pray for daily bread, we are praying that we would have enough, not too much, and that we would share if we have more than enough so that all might have daily bread. When we pray for the kingdom of God to come to earth, we are praying that we would live justly, and strive for justice, by God’s grace. So pray. It’s a practice of peace. It’s a practice of faith that can certainly change ourselves, and maybe the world too.
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a) Jesus seems to get grumpy and annoyed that this father asks him to heal his son. Why? Could it be that...
Today we have Biblical support to have worship services on the internet, that is, virtual. Acts 1:9 says "[Jesus] was lifted up as they...
Sermon May 2, 2021 Pastor Wesley Menke Grace Lutheran Church When I was a student at the seminary there was another student from the...