Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder why you are here? What is the point of your existence and what are you supposed to do with your life? If you have asked yourself these things, do not worry, you are not alone. I have asked them too, and so have many others. The good news is that the Holy Spirit can stir you up and get you up out of bed. The Holy Spirit will give you new force and energy. There are five things you can do to accept the Holy Spirit into your life.
Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones
Holy Spirit – God!
Birth story with bath
Psalm 104
Holy Communion
Acts 2
Holy Spirit
Reformation Sunday 2020 The Problem is Idolatry Happy Reformation Sunday! Today we give thanks for the life and ministry of Martin Luther and other...
Rev. Wesley Menke 13 March 2022 Second Sunday in Lent The city and country have had a long standing tension. Cities tend to aggregate...